Florian Wendelspiess Chávez Juárez



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Universitites and departments

CIDE - My current employer
University of Geneva - The University from which I obtained my PhD
Institute of Economics and Econometrics - Institute of Economics and Econometrics at University of Geneva
DEEP - Lausanne University - The department of economics of Lausanne University
Universidad de las Américas, Puebla - University of Puebla, I visited this institution during 1 year

My profiles elsewhere

Google Scholar Citations
RePeC - Ideas
SSRN Social Science Research Network

Interesting websites

Sobre México - platform by and for Mexican Economists and all people interested in economic research about Mexico.
Avis d'experts - joint platform of the Swiss Television and Universities from French speaking Switzerland.


Isidro Soloaga - RePeC profile of my main co-author.
Marius Brülhart - The website of Marius Brülhart, Professor of Economics, Lausanne University