Welcome on econ.chavezjuarez.com
Welcome on the website of Florian Chávez Juárez dedicated
to economics. On this site you can find
working papers,
publications and a lot more stuff. I try to update the content of this website on a regular basis.
You currently find the following issues on this site:
I welcome you again on the site and hope you'll find some interesting stuff.
Please contact me for any suggestion or question!
29.07.2019 -
New publication: Household Financial Portfolios in an Emerging Economy? - The Case of ChileI am happy to announce that our latest research on family behaviour in the financial market has been published in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. This work, which is co-authored with Piotr Bialowolski, uses latent class regression models to identify different behavioural patterns of families in Chile when participating (or not) in the financial market. We find very different results to what ha Read all
01.11.2018 -
New Publication: agent-based model on conditional cash transfer programsI am excited to announce that my latest paper has been published by Plos One. The article analysis the potential effects of conditional cash transfer programs on intergenerational educational mobility. The model shows that such programs have potentially large effect, but that the size of the effect critically depends on the definition of the target group and the type of conditioning of transfers. Read all
27.08.2018 -
New publication: How do governments determine policy priorities? Studying development strategies through spillover networksI am happy to announce that our article on public policy priorities has been published in the Journal of Economics Behavior and Organization!
In the paper we use agent-based modelling and network theory to analyse the relationship among different development indicators. The model is able to reproduce a series of stylised facts and can inform policy makers where a particular country should invest Read allRead all news